
64番です。 I spent many hours working on the staff plan, and at least as many hours again thinking about it as I went about other duties or as I lay awake after retiring. セミコロンで切れていた前の文に続く文ですから、内容は説明になってい…

63番です。 I did then go about the task Mr Farraday had set me with some dedication; go about 歩き回る 動き回る に取り掛かる に精を出す dedication 献身 やる気 専念 久しぶりに、ストレートに読める文ですね。task と Mr Farraday の間に、関係…

62番です。 Furthermore, Mr Farraday had made it clear that he planned to hold only very rarely the sort of large social occasions Darington Hall had seen frequently in the past. 繋がりがすんなりとしていないところがあります。分解してみる…