
151番です。 This provoked further controversy, and the pressure of letters continued to build up urging the Society to declare fully its membership criteria. 今回は重文ですね。二つの文章が連続していて、and でつながっています。まず分解し…

150番です。 One had to be guided by the judgement of 'the true ladies and gentlmen', argued the Society, or else 'we may as well adopt the proprieties of Bolshvik Russia'. 今回は短い文で助かります。といっても分解は必要ですね。 ⓵ One had…


ことばの楽園をあちこち散歩します。 気まぐれですね。 プロローグへ 前の文へ 次の文へ 教室案内

149番です。 In response to further letters in A Quarterly, the Society justified its stance by saying that while it accepted some correspondents' views that certain butlers of excellent quality were to be found in the houses of business…

148番です。 It was made clear, furthermore, that the society did not regard the houses of businessmen or the 'newly rich' as 'distinguished', and in my opinion this piece of out-dated thinking crucially undermined any serious authority …