
99番です。 Then there was the question of what sorts of costume were appropriate on such a journey, and whether or not it was worth my while to invest in a new set of clothes. costume 服装 衣装 扮装 appropriate 適切な ふさわしい invest …

98番です。 For even taking into account my employer's generous offer to 'foot the bill for the gas', the costs of such a trip might still come to a surprising amount considering such matters as accommodation, meals, and any small snacks …

97番です。 There was, for instance, the qustion of cost. 今回はこれだけです。分解しようがないです。 for instance は、「例えば」です。 There was ですが、前の文では同じ形でしたが、同じ形主語が複数でした。 こんどは、主語が単数です。それで、…

96番です。 There were, in any case, various aspects to the matter I felt I needed to clarify to myself before proceeding further. in any case が挿入されていますが、あとはコンマで区切られているということもなく、ひとつながりの文ということ…

95番です。 For all that, I could not for some days quite bring myself to raise the matter again with Mr Farraday. 今回は分解しなくてもよさそうです。 For all that, は、「そのすべてのために」ですが、「なんやかんやで」という言い方があります…

94番です。 I have, I should make clear, reread Miss Kenton's recent letter several times, and there is no possibility I am merely imagining the presence of these hints on her part. presence 存在 態度 面前 やはり分解します。 1 I have 2 , …

93番です。 that is to say, I could drive to the West Country and call on Miss Kenton in passing, thus exploring at first hand the substance of her wish to return to employment here at Darlington Hall. やはり分解します。 1 that is to say,…

5 ジュリアス・シーザー 5

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 5 FLAVIUSBut wherefore art notin thy shop today?Why dost thou these menabout the street?SECOND CITIZENTruly, sir, to wear out their shoesto get myself into more work.But indeed, sir, we make holiday to see Caesar and t…

4 ジュリアス・シーザー 4

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 4 FLAVIUSThou art a cobbler, art thou?SECOND CITIZENTruly, sir, all that I live by with awl;I meddle with no tradesman's matters,nor, women's matters, but with awl.I am indeed, sir, a surgeon to old shoes;when they are…

3 ジュリアス・シーザー 3

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 3 MARULLUSWhat trade, thou knave?Thou naughty knave, what trade?SECOND CITIZENNay, I beseech you, sir,be not out with me; yet,if you be out, sir, I can mend you.MARULLUSWhat mean'st thou by that?Mend me, thou saucy fe…

92番です。 For it had occurred to me that the proposed trip in the car could be put to good professional use; かなりこういうパターンの文には慣れてきましたが、分解してみます。 1 For it had occurred to me 2 that 3 the proposed trip in the …

91番です。 Having made such an analysis of the situation, it was not long before I found myself reconsidering Mr farraday's kind suggestion of some days ago. analysis 分析 分解 解析 まずは、分解してみます。 1 Having made such an analysis…

教室 案内 

言葉の楽園では、教室を名古屋で開いています。 受講を希望なさる方は、大歓迎ですので、遠慮なくお問い合わせください。 現在の開講中の講座は、 「ノーベル賞を訳して読もう」講座です。 カズオ・イシグロの「日の名残り」を読んでいます。 プロローグを終…

86番です。 So it was in this instance; 今までの中で一番短いでしょうか。 分解も何も、という感じですが、間をあけてみます。 So it was in this instance; 「そう それは だった、この例のなかで」ですから、 「この例の中で、それはそうだった」とな…

85番です。 one is not struck by the truth until prompted quite accsidentally by some external event. prompt 刺激する 駆り立てる これも、やはり分解ですね。 1 one is not struck by the truth 2 until (one is ) prompted quite accsidentally by…

84番です。 You may be amazed that such an obvious shortcoming to a staff plan should have continued to escape my notice, but then you will agree that such is often the way with matters one has given abiding thought to over a period of ti…

83番です。 I had given myself too much to do. これは、分解するまでもなさそうですが、間をあけてみます。 主語、動詞、直接目的語、間接目的語、補語などの要素がはっきりします。 I had given myself too much ( works ) to do. こんな風になります。…

82番です。 In the end, I believe the matter to be no more complicated than this: これも念のため分解してみます。 1 In the end, 2 I believe the matter to be 3 no more complicated than this: このようにしてみました。 1行目は、「おしまいには…

81番です。 It is not surprising then, if over several months, this oversight should reveal itself in these small but telling ways. oversight 見落とし ミス 監督 管理 分解というほどでもないですが。 1 It is not surprising then 2 , if over s…

80番です。 and although my experience and customary caution in such matters prevented my giving myself more than I could actually carry out, I was perhaps negligent over this question of allowing myself a margin. prevent するのを妨げる …

79番です。 I fear, however, that in my anxiety to win the support of Mrs Clements and the girls, I did not perhaps assess quite as stringently my own limitations; anxiety 心配 不安 切望assess 算定する 評価するstringent 厳しい 厳格な 強力…

78番です。 I had then, over those days of struggling with staff plan, expended a significant amount of thought to ensuring that Mrs Clements and the girls, once they had got over their aversion to adopting these more 'eclectic' roles, wo…