130番です。 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate, or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional maters. 非常に技巧的な文です。強調構文の変形ですね。進…
129番です。 Visiting valets, I have found, are often the worst offenders, aspiring as they usually do to the position of butler with some urgency. 特に難しくはないようですが、分解して構造を見やすくしましょう。 ⓵ Visiting valets, I have …
128番です。 Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse. 今回は特に長いという分ではないので助かります。 時制の使い方が面白いと思います。 とりあえず分解してみます。 ⓵ Meanwhile, ② those s…
127番です。 This same invincible figure has been held responsible for some blunder, or has for some other reason fallen out of favour with his employers, leaves the house where he came to fame and is never heard of again. スチーブンスの…
126番です。 And what has happened before a few years have passed? 今回は、短いけれど名文ですね。時制の使い方が見事です。 そのことを分かりやすくするために、短いけれど分解してみます。 ⓵ And what has happened ② before a few years have pass…