193番です。 One afternoon, evidently, this butler had entered the dining room to make sure all was well for dinner, when he noticed a tiger languishing beneath the dinning table. いよいよ話が始まりますね。まず分解です。 ① One afternoon,…
192番です。 The story was an apparently true one concerning a certain butler who had travelled with his employer to india and served there for many years maintaining amangst the native staff the same high standards he had commanded in E…
191番です。 As such, it gives a vital clue to his thinking. 今回は短いので助かります。そのまま直訳してみれば、 「このように、それは 父の考えに 重要な 手がかりを 与えた」 となります。 it は、くりかえし同じ話をすることです。なにか特定のも…
190番です。 My father's generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the professio…
189番です。 Clearly the story meant much to him. 今回は短い文です。簡潔で、クリアリーな文です。 直訳すれば、 「明確に その話は 父には 大きな 意味がありました」 です。 これを日本語らしい訳にすれば、 「その話は、父にはとても大きな意味を持…
188番です。 I remember him relating it again the first time I returned to see him after gaining my first post as butler - to a Mr and Mrs Muggeridge in their relatively modest house in Allshot, Oxfordshire. 今回は長い文のように見えます…
187番です。 I recall listening to him tell it to vistors when I was a child, and then later, when I was starting out as a footman under his supervision. それほど複雑な文ではないのですが、英語の不思議な癖、というか規則に注意が必要です。 …
186番です。 There was a certain story my father was fond of repeating over the years. 今回は、浮く雑な文ではなく、分解すれば理解できる、文法の教科書に乗せたいような文です。 ということで分解です。 ① There was a certain story ② my father …
185番です。 If I try, then, to describe to you what I believe made my father thus distinguished, I may in this way convey my idea of what 'dignity' is. 長いような短いような。分解してみます。 ① If I try, then, to describe to you (what) ②…
184番です。 And I would maintain that for all his limited command of English and his limited generalとかぎられた knoeledge, he not only knew all there was to know about how to run a house, he did in his prime come to acquire that 'digni…
183番です。 My father, as I say, came of a generation mercifully free of such confusion of our professional values. 今回は短い文です。分解の必要はなさそうです。 as I say は、「私が言うとき」、「私から言わせれば」、というような感じです。…
182番です。 In one regrettable case, which I myself witnessed, it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order, say, who had won the Darby in such and such y…
181番です。 I have heard of various instances of a butler being displayed as a kind of performing monkey at a house party. 今回は短い文です。が、やはり分解をしてみます。 ① I have heard of various instances of a butler ② being displayed …
180番です。 I am sorry to say this, but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times, some of the highest pedigree, which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above 'showi…
179番です。 Though we must be careful not to attmpt to deny the responsibility which ultimately lies with ourselves, it has to be said that certain employers have done much to encourage these sorts of trends. 文法上のトピックが多い面白…
178番です。 goodness knows how much time and energy has gone into the practising of accent and command of language, how many hours spent studying encyclopedias and volumes of 'Test Your knowledge', when the time should have been spent m…
177番です。 It is my view that our generation has been much too preoccupied with the 'trimmings'; 文末はセミコロンになっています。意味は続くのですが、文としては切れているわけです。で、ここでいったん切ります。 It that の真主語仮主語構文…
176番です。 The obsessions with eloquence and general knowledge would appear to be ones that emerged with our generation, probably in the wake of Mr mershall, when lesser men trying to emulate his greatness mistook the superficial for t…
175番です。 Furthermore, it must be remembered that my father was a butler of an earlier generation who began his career at a time when such attributes were not considered proper, let alone desirable in a butler. 関係代名詞も関係副詞も…
174番です。 I refer to things such as good accent and cpmmand of language, general knowledge on wide-ranging topics such as falconing or newt-mating - attributes none of which my発音とか father could have boasted. あまり見かけない構成の…
173番です。 But those same absent attributes, I would argue, are every time those of a superficial and decorative order, attributes that are attractive, no doubt, as icing on the cake, but are not pertaining to what is really essential.…
172番です。 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively, one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler. 単語は物々しいのですが、文自体はそんなに複雑ではないように感じます。 が…
171番です。 Yet it is my firm conviction that at the peak of his career at Loughborough House, my father was indeed the embodiment of 'dignity'. スチーブンスが、父が生きていたころの話題を、思い出しながら話しているという場面です。そのた…
170番です。 But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men, and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of 'dignity'. scrutinize 綿密に…
169番です。 Perhaps you might be persuaded that Mr Henderson of Branbury Castle also falls into this rare category. 今回は、文としては特に難しいところはないように思います。ただ、言葉の使い方がうまいと思えます。 persuade というあまり聞き…
168番です。 You will not dispute, I presume, that Mr Marshall of Charleville House and Mr lane of Bridewood have been the two great butlers of recent times. dispute 反対する 議論する presume 推定する 今回は、言葉もあまり使わないものもの…
167番です。 I would like, if I may, to try and say here what I think this 'dignity' to be. 今回は短い文です。が、英文の面白さが詰まっているように思います。 短い文とはいえ、仮定法と直説法が同時に表現されているからです。 つまり、想像と現…
166番です。 We never came to any agreement, but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matters during the course of such discussions, and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today. 長い文で…
165番です。 In any case, for all Mr Graham's scepticism, I can remember he and I spending many evenings trying to put our fingers on the constitution of this 'dignity'. 今回も複雑な文ではなさそうですが、分解してみます。 ① In any case, f…
164番です。 In my view, then, it was rather defeatist from a vocational standpoint to adopt a stance like Mr Graham's. そんなに長くない文ですが、つまりそれほど入り組んではいないということになりますが、意味は結構入り組んでいます。 英語ら…