
153番です。 Embarrassing as those moments were for me, I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday, who is in no sense an unkind person; セミコロンでおわっていますから内容的には次の文に続くわけですね。ただし、文法的に…

152番です。 I therefore continued to stand there awkwardly, waiting for my employer to give me permission to undertake the mortering trip. 文の構造としては、複雑ではないようです。とはいえ、まず分解してみます。 I therefore continued to s…

151番です。 Naturally, I felt the temptation to deny immediately and unambiguously such motivations as my employer was imputing to me, but saw in time that to do so would be to rise to Mr Farraday's bait, and the situation would only be…