173番です。 But those same absent attributes, I would argue, are every time those of a superficial and decorative order, attributes that are attractive, no doubt, as icing on the cake, but are not pertaining to what is really essential.…
172番です。 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively, one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler. 単語は物々しいのですが、文自体はそんなに複雑ではないように感じます。 が…
171番です。 Yet it is my firm conviction that at the peak of his career at Loughborough House, my father was indeed the embodiment of 'dignity'. スチーブンスが、父が生きていたころの話題を、思い出しながら話しているという場面です。そのた…
170番です。 But you may think me merely biased if I say that my own father could in many ways be considered to rank with such men, and that his career is the one I have always scrutinized for a definition of 'dignity'. scrutinize 綿密に…
168番です。 You will not dispute, I presume, that Mr Marshall of Charleville House and Mr lane of Bridewood have been the two great butlers of recent times. dispute 反対する 議論する presume 推定する 今回は、言葉もあまり使わないものもの…
167番です。 I would like, if I may, to try and say here what I think this 'dignity' to be. 今回は短い文です。が、英文の面白さが詰まっているように思います。 短い文とはいえ、仮定法と直説法が同時に表現されているからです。 つまり、想像と現…
166番です。 We never came to any agreement, but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matters during the course of such discussions, and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today. 長い文で…
165番です。 In any case, for all Mr Graham's scepticism, I can remember he and I spending many evenings trying to put our fingers on the constitution of this 'dignity'. 今回も複雑な文ではなさそうですが、分解してみます。 ① In any case, f…
164番です。 In my view, then, it was rather defeatist from a vocational standpoint to adopt a stance like Mr Graham's. そんなに長くない文ですが、つまりそれほど入り組んではいないということになりますが、意味は結構入り組んでいます。 英語ら…
163番です。 Those 'great' butlers like Mr Marshall who have it, I am sure, acquired it over many years of self-training and the careful absorbing of experience. 分解というより、挿入されている I am sure をはずすと見通しが良くなります。 …
162番です。 Now while I would accept that the majority of butlers may well discover ultimately that they do not have the capacity for it, I believe strongly that this 'dignity' is something one can meaningfully strive for throughout one…
161番です。 and if one did not self-evidently have it, to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful. and は小文字で始まっています。実は前の文はセミコロンでおわっており、この文はその文に対する注…
160番です。 Moreover, my main objection to Mr Graham's analogy was the implication that this 'dignity' was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature; それほど入り組んだ文ではないようです。最後はセミコロンになっていて、実は…
159番です。 I, on the other hand, held the opinion that to draw such a parallel tend to demean the 'dignity' of the likes of Mr Marshall. 分解してみます。 ① I, on the other hand, held the opinion that ② to draw such a parallel tend to d…
158番です。 Mr Graham would always take the views that this 'dignity' was something like a weman's beauty and it was thus pointless to attempt to analyse it. やはり、入り組んだところがあるようで、分解してみます。 ① Mr Graham would alway…
147番です。 'Though of course,' the Society went on, 'this by itself is far from sufficient to satisfy requirement.' 英文での発言は、こういうパターンで表記されますね。 最初の一言、発言者、続く言葉というのがパターンだと思います。 という…
142番です。 Much of the power and prestige it went on to gain derived from the fact that unlike other such organizations which have come and gone, it managed to keep its numbers extremely low, thus giving this claim some credibility. 長…
141番です。 The Hayes Society claimed to admit butlers of 'Only the very first rank'. 今回は、内容は別にして、文自体は問題はないですね。 Sが、The Hayes Societyで、Vが、claimed です。 claimed to admit と不定詞が使われていますが、「一つの…
140番です。 In fact, many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close, I believe in 1932 or 1933. そんなに長い文ではないのですが、分解して考えた方がよさそうです。 ⓵ In fact, many felt (tha…
132番です。 When two or three such persons were gathered together at our servants' hall - I mean of the calibre of, say, Mr Graham, with whom now, sadly, I seem to have lost touch - we would have some of the most stimulating and intelli…
129番です。 Visiting valets, I have found, are often the worst offenders, aspiring as they usually do to the position of butler with some urgency. 特に難しくはないようですが、分解して構造を見やすくしましょう。 ⓵ Visiting valets, I have …
128番です。 Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse. 今回は特に長いという分ではないので助かります。 時制の使い方が面白いと思います。 とりあえず分解してみます。 ⓵ Meanwhile, ② those s…
125番です。 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his …
123番です。 And yet those very same employees who once heaped praise on him will be too busy eulogizing some new figure to stop and examine their sense of judgement. too ~ to ... 構文ですね。文法書通りの文が出てくるとうれしくなりますね…
117番です。 And most frustrating of all wuold be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking thier heads in wonder and uttering phrases like: 今回はほどほどの長さですが、結構面白い文です…
116番です。 As I say, at Darlington Hall too, many a visiting employee would bring the latest tales of Mr Neighbours's achievements, so that I and the likes of Mr Graham would have to share the frustrating experience of hearing anecdote…
115番です。 For two or three years in the mid-thiries, Mr Neighbour's name seemed to dominate conversations in every servants' hall in the land. 今回はちょっと長い文に戻りましたが、文としては一つの文です。複文でも、重文でもありません。…
112番です。 Of course, the servants' hall at Darlington Hall, like any servants' hall anywhere, was obliged to receive employees of varying degrees of intellect and perception, and I recall many a time having to bite my lip while some e…
110番です。 Incidentally, now that I come to think further about it, it is not quite true to say there was no dispute as to who were the great butler. incidentally 付随的に ところで ついでながら dispute 議論 論争 as to については それぞ…
109番です。 But you will no doubt also understand what I mean when I say it is not at all easy to define just what this quality is. 関代や不定詞などがちりばめられています。単語自体はやさしいのですが、文の組み立ては複雑です。 分解してみ…