117番です。 And most frustrating of all wuold be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking thier heads in wonder and uttering phrases like: 今回はほどほどの長さですが、結構面白い文です…
116番です。 As I say, at Darlington Hall too, many a visiting employee would bring the latest tales of Mr Neighbours's achievements, so that I and the likes of Mr Graham would have to share the frustrating experience of hearing anecdote…
115番です。 For two or three years in the mid-thiries, Mr Neighbour's name seemed to dominate conversations in every servants' hall in the land. 今回はちょっと長い文に戻りましたが、文としては一つの文です。複文でも、重文でもありません。…
114番です。 I mention him simply because his was tipcal case. 今回は短い文ですが、それでも複文という構造です。つまり、主節と従属節とがあります。 分解すれば、その構造がはっきりします。 ⓵ I mention him simply ② because his was typical cas…
113番です。 I have nothing against Mr Jack Neighbours, who sadly, I understand was killed the war. 今回は短い文ですが、スチーブンスが考えながら話している感じがよく出ています。 前絵から順に訳してくればいいでしょう。 against は、に反対し…
112番です。 Of course, the servants' hall at Darlington Hall, like any servants' hall anywhere, was obliged to receive employees of varying degrees of intellect and perception, and I recall many a time having to bite my lip while some e…
111番です。 What I should have said was that there was no serious dispute among proffesionals of quality who had any discernment in such matters. should が使われています。仮定法ですね。仮定法は原理が分かると面白いので、こういう文に出く…