219番です。 Furthermore, during Sir James's subsequent stay, I gathered that Mr Graham was no longer in Sir james's employ; 特に長い文ではないし、これくらいは見通しがきくのでほっとしますね。とりあえず、分解をしてみます。 ① Furthermore, …
218番です。 I was, then, both surprised and disappointed to discover a day before the visit that Sir James would be coming alone. 今回は、わりとシンプルな文です。助かりますね。 とはいえ、分解してみます。 I was, then, both surprised and …
217番です。 I looked forward to the visit not only because visitors from Lord Darlington's days are most rare now - Mr Farraday's circle, naturally, being quite different from his lordship's - but also bacause I presumed Mr Graham would…
216番です。 In fact, some two months ago, I was most happy to learn that Sir James was to visit Darlington Hall. 今回は、特に問題になるようなところはなさそうです。が、構造がはっきりするように分解をしてみます。 ① In fact, 前句 ② some two…
215番です。 I mentioned a moment ago Mr Graham, the valet-butler to Sir James Chambers. この文は短いですね。しかも、簡単です。 SVOの文型で、I mentioned a moment ago Mr Graham が本体です。 中にある a moment ago は挿入句ですね。はずせば、…
214番です。 Not the way it is today, when on the rare occasion an employee accompanies a guest here, he is likely to be some newcomer who has little to say about anything other than Association Football and who prefers to pass the eveni…