137番です。 The only instance that comes to mind is the attempt of the Hayes Society to devise criteria for membership. 特に複雑ではないので助かります。でも分解は必要です。 ⓵ The only instance ② that comes to mind ③ is the attempt of th…
136番です。 To the best of my konwledge, for all the talk this question has engendered over the years, there have been very few attemts within the profession to formulate an official answer. それほど複雑な文ではないようですが、まず分解…
135番です。 that is to say, the question 'what is a great butler?' 前の文(134番)がセミコロンで終わっていました。だから小文字で始まっています。 前の文の注釈、あるいは、補足ということになるのですが、文法的には、前の文の主語 this ques…
134番です。 But let me return to the question that is of genuine interest, this question we so enjoyed debating when our evenings were not spoilt by chatter from those who lacked any fundamental understanding of the profession; これだけ…