
155番です。 If one looks at these persons we agree are 'great' butlers, if one looks at , say, Mr Marshall or Mr lane, it does seem to be that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely is most close…

154番です。 For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes Society, it is my belief that this particular pronouncement at least was founded on a significant truth. 例のごとく、分解してみます。 ⓵ For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes …

153番です。 No applicant will satisfy requirements, whatever his level of accompishments otherwise, if seen to fall short in the respect.' 最後に、閉じクオテーションマークがあるように、この文までがスチーブンスが記憶をたどりながら引用し…

152番です。 In the end, it was revealed in a brief letter to A Quaterly that in the view of the Society - and I will try and quate accurately from memory - 'the most crucial criterion is that the applicant be possesed of a dignity in ke…