
159番です。 'Maybe you could keep her off our hands, Stevens. と、今回はこれだけです。 could は仮定法ですね。ファラディさんが想像していることを表しています。 (I) Maybe (ask you that) you could keep her off our hands, Stevens. と、省略さ…

158番です。 'God help us if she does come,' Mr Farraday replied. 英語では会話部分は、まず会話の一言を書いて、それを引用符でくくり、それを言った人を明示して、その後に、続きの言葉を書くというのが鉄則のようです。 ここでも、この文の後に、フ…

157番です。 For instance, I once had occasion to ask him, if a certain gentleman expected at the house was likely to be accompanied by his wife. 前の文ではスチーブンスは、ご主人がおっしゃったことで驚かされたことは一度や二度ではない、と…

156番です。 In fact, during my first days under Mr Farraday, I was once or twice quite astouned by some of the things he would say to me. それほど長い文ではありませんが、分解してみます。 ① In fact ② , during my first days under Mr Farra…

155番です。 Indeed, to put things into a proper perspective, I should point out that just such bantering on my new employer's part has characterized much of our relationship over these months - though I must confess, I remain rather uns…

154番です。 he was, I am sure, merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States, no doubt, is a sign of a good, friendly understanding between employer and employee, indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport. 前の文が…

153番です。 Embarrassing as those moments were for me, I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday, who is in no sense an unkind person; セミコロンでおわっていますから内容的には次の文に続くわけですね。ただし、文法的に…

152番です。 I therefore continued to stand there awkwardly, waiting for my employer to give me permission to undertake the mortering trip. 文の構造としては、複雑ではないようです。とはいえ、まず分解してみます。 I therefore continued to s…

151番です。 Naturally, I felt the temptation to deny immediately and unambiguously such motivations as my employer was imputing to me, but saw in time that to do so would be to rise to Mr Farraday's bait, and the situation would only be…