49番です。 I immediately set about trying to fulfil Mr Farraday's wishes, but as you know, finding recruits of a satisfactory standard is no easy task nowadays, and although I was pleased to hire Rosemary and Agnes on Mrs Clements's reco…
48番です。 When I wrote to my new employer conveying my regrets at the situation, I received by reply from America instructions to recruit a new staff 'worthy of a grand old English house'. ここまでご丁寧な文もかけるんだと不思議な感心を…
47番です。小文字から始まっています。前の文に続いて、内容を補足しています。 and I regret to report that once the purchase had been completed, there was little I cpuld do for Mr Farraday to prevent all but Mrs Clements leaving for other em…
46番です。 This 'staff' he referred to was, of course, nothing more than the skelton team of six kept on by lord Darlington's relatives to administer to the house up to and thrroughout the transaction; refer 言及する 引用する skelton 骨…
45番です。 In the meantme, however, he was most keen that the staff of his predecessor - a staff of which he had heard high praise - be retained at Darington Hall. meantime 合間 その間 それまでは in the meantime その(合い)間に = meanwh…
44番です。 Once the transactions were over - transactions which had taken this house out of the hands of the Darlington family after two centuries - Mr Farrday let it be known that he would not be taking up immediate residence here, but …
43番です。 What had occured was this. 今回は短いですね。たった5語です。 すぐ終わるのも面白くないので、ほじくってみます。 What had occured が、この文の主語部分ですが、What節になっています。 そして、What は、先行詞を含む関係代名詞で、この…
42番の文です。 At the same time, it is only fair to point out that my task in this instance had been of an unusually difficult order. instance 例 実例 場合 段階 order 順序 順番 規律 秩序 局面 命令 指図 これまた、分解して並び替えてみると…
41番に行きましょう。 And if in the present case the staff plan is at fault, blame can be laid at no one's door but my own. 簡単な単語しか使っていないのですが、さらに、違う言い方もできると思うのですが、言い回しが見事だなと感心するところで…
40番です。 I have myself devised many staff plans over the years, and I do not believe I am being unduly boastful if I say that very few ever needed amendment. devise を工夫する 考案する unduly 過度に 不当に 不正に boastful 自慢する 鼻に…
39番に行きます。 Indeed, I can say I am in agreement with those who say that tha ability to draw up a good staff plan is the cornerstone of any decent butler's skills. cornerstone すみ石 基礎 土台 decent かなり立派な 見苦しくない 相応の …
38番です。 Who knows how many quarrels, false accusations, unnecessary dismissals, how many promisng careers cut short can be attributed to a butler's slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan? quarrel けんか 反目 口論 仲違…
37番に行きましょうか。 It is, of course, the responsiblility of every butler to devote his utmost care in the devising of a staff plan. responsibility 責任 責務 重荷 負担 信頼度 devote 捧げる 充てる 専念する utmost 最大の 最高の devise …
36番の文です。 that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan. derive を引き出す 受け継ぐ に由来する sinister 悪意のある 邪悪な faulty 欠陥のある 不完全な 誤った 前文末のコロンの…
35番の文です。 As so often occurs in these situations, I had become blind to the obvious - that is, until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth: obvious 明らかな 明白な 見て…
34番の文です。 Nevertheless, I think you will understand that to one not accustomed to committing such errors, this development was rather disturbing, and I did in fact begin to entertain all sorts of alarmist theories as to their cause.…
33番に行きます。 I should say that these errors have all been without exception quite trivial in themselves. exception 例外 除外 異議 除外規定 trivial ささいな つまらない ありふれた 浅薄な トリビアルな単語を使って難しく言うとこうなるので…
32番です。 The fact is, over the past few manths, I have been responsible for a series of small errors in the carrying out of my duties. responsible 責任がある 責任を負うべき 功がある 原因である carry out を外へ運び出す を行う を遂行する…
31番の文です。 But let me explain further. 今回はこれだけ。短いです。 スチーブンスは、心の中を説明しだすと、あれこれ弁解じみて長ったらしくなるようですが、行動自体はてきぱきしているのですね。 let me ~ は、「私をして~させてください」とい…
30番の文です。これも長いです。 what I mean to say is that Miss Kenton's letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at Darlington Hall, and I would underline that it was a preoccupation with these very sa…
29番です。 But let me make it immediately clear what I mean by this; セミコロンで続いてますが、とりあえずここまでを29番とします。 「これによって 私が 意味していることを、私に 直ちに 明らかに させてください」 と 直訳はなりそうです。 But…
28番の文です。 The fact that my attitude to this same suggestion underwent a change over the following days - indeed, that the notion of a trip to the West Country took an ever-increasing hold on my thouhgt - is no doubt substantially at…