164番です。 In my view, then, it was rather defeatist from a vocational standpoint to adopt a stance like Mr Graham's. そんなに長くない文ですが、つまりそれほど入り組んではいないということになりますが、意味は結構入り組んでいます。 英語ら…

163番です。 Those 'great' butlers like Mr Marshall who have it, I am sure, acquired it over many years of self-training and the careful absorbing of experience. 分解というより、挿入されている I am sure をはずすと見通しが良くなります。 …

162番です。 Now while I would accept that the majority of butlers may well discover ultimately that they do not have the capacity for it, I believe strongly that this 'dignity' is something one can meaningfully strive for throughout one…

161番です。 and if one did not self-evidently have it, to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful. and は小文字で始まっています。実は前の文はセミコロンでおわっており、この文はその文に対する注…

160番です。 Moreover, my main objection to Mr Graham's analogy was the implication that this 'dignity' was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature; それほど入り組んだ文ではないようです。最後はセミコロンになっていて、実は…

159番です。 I, on the other hand, held the opinion that to draw such a parallel tend to demean the 'dignity' of the likes of Mr Marshall. 分解してみます。 ① I, on the other hand, held the opinion that ② to draw such a parallel tend to d…

158番です。 Mr Graham would always take the views that this 'dignity' was something like a weman's beauty and it was thus pointless to attempt to analyse it. やはり、入り組んだところがあるようで、分解してみます。 ① Mr Graham would alway…

157番です。 And it was on this point that the likes of Mr Graham and I had some of our most interesting debates. 今回は短い方の文です。and が二つあったりしますが、そんなに複雑ではないようです。内容的には、グレアムさんと私が議論を交わす…

156番です。 Of course, this merely begs the further question: of what is 'dignity' comprised? 今回の文は、途中にコロンが入っています。実はその前後で二つの文に分かれるのです。気をつけてください。 というところで、分解すれば、 ① Of course,…

155番です。 If one looks at these persons we agree are 'great' butlers, if one looks at , say, Mr Marshall or Mr lane, it does seem to be that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely is most close…

154番です。 For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes Society, it is my belief that this particular pronouncement at least was founded on a significant truth. 例のごとく、分解してみます。 ⓵ For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes …

153番です。 No applicant will satisfy requirements, whatever his level of accompishments otherwise, if seen to fall short in the respect.' 最後に、閉じクオテーションマークがあるように、この文までがスチーブンスが記憶をたどりながら引用し…

152番です。 In the end, it was revealed in a brief letter to A Quaterly that in the view of the Society - and I will try and quate accurately from memory - 'the most crucial criterion is that the applicant be possesed of a dignity in ke…

151番です。 This provoked further controversy, and the pressure of letters continued to build up urging the Society to declare fully its membership criteria. 今回は重文ですね。二つの文章が連続していて、and でつながっています。まず分解し…

150番です。 One had to be guided by the judgement of 'the true ladies and gentlmen', argued the Society, or else 'we may as well adopt the proprieties of Bolshvik Russia'. 今回は短い文で助かります。といっても分解は必要ですね。 ⓵ One had…


ことばの楽園をあちこち散歩します。 気まぐれですね。 プロローグへ 前の文へ 次の文へ 教室案内

149番です。 In response to further letters in A Quarterly, the Society justified its stance by saying that while it accepted some correspondents' views that certain butlers of excellent quality were to be found in the houses of business…

148番です。 It was made clear, furthermore, that the society did not regard the houses of businessmen or the 'newly rich' as 'distinguished', and in my opinion this piece of out-dated thinking crucially undermined any serious authority …

147番です。 'Though of course,' the Society went on, 'this by itself is far from sufficient to satisfy requirement.' 英文での発言は、こういうパターンで表記されますね。 最初の一言、発言者、続く言葉というのがパターンだと思います。 という…

146番です。 Pressure to have these announced steadily mounted, and in response to a series of letters published in A Quarterly for the Gentleman's Gentleman, the Society admitted that a prerequisite for membership was that 'an applicant…

145番です。 But one matter the Society resisted pronouncing on for some time was the question of its own criteria for membership. まず分解してみます。 ⓵ But one matter ② the Society resisted pronouncing on for some time ③ was the questi…

144番です。 This, and the fact that the Hayes Sosiety tended to be a rather secretive body, lent it much mystique for a time, ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn o…

143番です。 Membership, it was said, never at any point rose above thirty and much of the time remained closer nine or ten. and でつながった二つの文でできているようです。分解してみます。 ⓵ Membership, it was said, never at any point ros…

142番です。 Much of the power and prestige it went on to gain derived from the fact that unlike other such organizations which have come and gone, it managed to keep its numbers extremely low, thus giving this claim some credibility. 長…

141番です。 The Hayes Society claimed to admit butlers of 'Only the very first rank'. 今回は、内容は別にして、文自体は問題はないですね。 Sが、The Hayes Societyで、Vが、claimed です。 claimed to admit と不定詞が使われていますが、「一つの…

140番です。 In fact, many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close, I believe in 1932 or 1933. そんなに長い文ではないのですが、分解して考えた方がよさそうです。 ⓵ In fact, many felt (tha…

139番です。 But in the twenties and rhe early thirties, it exerted a considerable influence over much of London and the Home Counties. 今回はヘイズ協会の説明です。今でこそ話題にならないけれど、その昔は協会は影響力があったんだというので…

138番です。 You may not be aware of the Hayes Society, for few talk of it these days. 謹賀新年 本年最初の文は複雑な文ではなくて助かります。 分解も必要ないようです。コンマで前半と後半に分かれています。後半の for 以降は前半の事柄の理由を…

137番です。 The only instance that comes to mind is the attempt of the Hayes Society to devise criteria for membership. 特に複雑ではないので助かります。でも分解は必要です。 ⓵ The only instance ② that comes to mind ③ is the attempt of th…

136番です。 To the best of my konwledge, for all the talk this question has engendered over the years, there have been very few attemts within the profession to formulate an official answer. それほど複雑な文ではないようですが、まず分解…