144番です。 This, and the fact that the Hayes Sosiety tended to be a rather secretive body, lent it much mystique for a time, ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn o…
143番です。 Membership, it was said, never at any point rose above thirty and much of the time remained closer nine or ten. and でつながった二つの文でできているようです。分解してみます。 ⓵ Membership, it was said, never at any point ros…
142番です。 Much of the power and prestige it went on to gain derived from the fact that unlike other such organizations which have come and gone, it managed to keep its numbers extremely low, thus giving this claim some credibility. 長…
141番です。 The Hayes Society claimed to admit butlers of 'Only the very first rank'. 今回は、内容は別にして、文自体は問題はないですね。 Sが、The Hayes Societyで、Vが、claimed です。 claimed to admit と不定詞が使われていますが、「一つの…
140番です。 In fact, many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close, I believe in 1932 or 1933. そんなに長い文ではないのですが、分解して考えた方がよさそうです。 ⓵ In fact, many felt (tha…
139番です。 But in the twenties and rhe early thirties, it exerted a considerable influence over much of London and the Home Counties. 今回はヘイズ協会の説明です。今でこそ話題にならないけれど、その昔は協会は影響力があったんだというので…
138番です。 You may not be aware of the Hayes Society, for few talk of it these days. 謹賀新年 本年最初の文は複雑な文ではなくて助かります。 分解も必要ないようです。コンマで前半と後半に分かれています。後半の for 以降は前半の事柄の理由を…
137番です。 The only instance that comes to mind is the attempt of the Hayes Society to devise criteria for membership. 特に複雑ではないので助かります。でも分解は必要です。 ⓵ The only instance ② that comes to mind ③ is the attempt of th…
136番です。 To the best of my konwledge, for all the talk this question has engendered over the years, there have been very few attemts within the profession to formulate an official answer. それほど複雑な文ではないようですが、まず分解…
135番です。 that is to say, the question 'what is a great butler?' 前の文(134番)がセミコロンで終わっていました。だから小文字で始まっています。 前の文の注釈、あるいは、補足ということになるのですが、文法的には、前の文の主語 this ques…
134番です。 But let me return to the question that is of genuine interest, this question we so enjoyed debating when our evenings were not spoilt by chatter from those who lacked any fundamental understanding of the profession; これだけ…
133番です。 Indeed, today, those evenings rank amongst my fondest memories from those times. rank 分類される 位置づける 位置する amongst (= among 主に英)の中に カズオ・イシグロは、思いがけない言葉を使います。rank もそんな気がします。 …
132番です。 When two or three such persons were gathered together at our servants' hall - I mean of the calibre of, say, Mr Graham, with whom now, sadly, I seem to have lost touch - we would have some of the most stimulating and intelli…
131番です。 But then, of course, I hasten to add there are many valets who would never dream of indulging in this sort of folly - who are, in facts, professionals of the highest discernment. 途中にハイフンが入っていますが、特に複雑な文…
130番です。 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate, or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional maters. 非常に技巧的な文です。強調構文の変形ですね。進…
129番です。 Visiting valets, I have found, are often the worst offenders, aspiring as they usually do to the position of butler with some urgency. 特に難しくはないようですが、分解して構造を見やすくしましょう。 ⓵ Visiting valets, I have …
128番です。 Meanwhile, those same gossipers will have found yet some other newcomer about whom to enthuse. 今回は特に長いという分ではないので助かります。 時制の使い方が面白いと思います。 とりあえず分解してみます。 ⓵ Meanwhile, ② those s…
127番です。 This same invincible figure has been held responsible for some blunder, or has for some other reason fallen out of favour with his employers, leaves the house where he came to fame and is never heard of again. スチーブンスの…
126番です。 And what has happened before a few years have passed? 今回は、短いけれど名文ですね。時制の使い方が見事です。 そのことを分かりやすくするために、短いけれど分解してみます。 ⓵ And what has happened ② before a few years have pass…
125番です。 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his …
124番です。 The object of this sort of servants' hall talk is invariably some butler who has come to the fore quite suddenly through having been appointed by a prominent house, and who has perhaps managed to pull off two or three large …
123番です。 And yet those very same employees who once heaped praise on him will be too busy eulogizing some new figure to stop and examine their sense of judgement. too ~ to ... 構文ですね。文法書通りの文が出てくるとうれしくなりますね…
122番です。 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of his sorts? 疑問文の形になっています。後ろの…
121b です。(番号をつけるのを間違えたようです。) I could have told you this at the height of his reputation, just as I could have predicted his downfall after a few short years in the limelight. 文の構造から言えば、複文ということになる…
121番です。 But at no stage did he ever approach the status of a great butler. 今回は短い文です。が、英語らしい面白い文だと思います。カズオ・イシグロの センスの塊です。 分解するとかえってわかりにくくなるかもしれないのですが、前置詞句な…
120番です。 he did, I understand, mastermind a number of large occasions with conspicuous style. 今回は、複雑な文章ではないですね。助かります。 ただ、使っている言葉に、とげがあるというか、皮肉っぽいところに要注意です。 前の文がセミコロ…
119番です。 Now, I do not doubt that Mr Neighbours had good organizatinoal skills; 今回は短い文ですが、英語と日本語の違いを考えるにはもってこいの文章です。 とりあえず分解します。 ⓵ Now, I do not doubt that ② Mr Neighbours had good organ…
118番です。 'That Mr Neighbours, he really is the best.' 前回は、コロンで終わっていたので、文の続きとして小文字で始まるのが普通ですが、今回はセリフなので、大文字で始まっていますし、クオテーション・マークも書いてあります。 That は、「あ…
117番です。 And most frustrating of all wuold be having to witness at the conclusion of each such anecdote otherwise decent employees shaking thier heads in wonder and uttering phrases like: 今回はほどほどの長さですが、結構面白い文です…
116番です。 As I say, at Darlington Hall too, many a visiting employee would bring the latest tales of Mr Neighbours's achievements, so that I and the likes of Mr Graham would have to share the frustrating experience of hearing anecdote…