
1-19です。 I decided to step out and strech my legs a little and when I did so, I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill. 止まって何をしたかを説明しているようですね。 矢張り分解ですね。 ① I deci…

1-18です。 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road, I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock, as I were. スチーブンスは、見慣れない景色になった理由が、今までとは異なる環境の地域に突入したせいなのか、そ…

1-17です。 It was only the feeling of a moment, but it caused me to slow down. 短い文で助かります。分解というほどでもないですが、上下二段にすると見やすくなります。 ① It was only the feeling of a moment, ② but it caused me to slow down.…

1-16です。 The feeling swept over me that I had truly left Darlington Hall behind, and I must confess I did feel a slight sense of alarm - a sense aggravated by the feeling that I was perhaps not on the correct road at all, but speedin…

1-15です。 I could sense the steep drop to my left, though I could not see it due to the trees and thick foliage that lined the roadside. そこまで複雑な文ではなさそうですが、分解をしてみます。 ① I could sense the steep drop to my left,…

1-14です。 This occurred just after I took a turning and found myself on a road curving around the edge of a hill. 分解というより、文の要素の配置を整理する という感じですね。 ① This occurred just after ② I took a turning ③ and found my…

1-13です。 I imagine the experience of unease mixed with exhilaration often described in connection with this moment is very similar to what I felt in the Ford as the surroundings grew strange around me. exhilaration 活気 刺激 感動 分…

1-12です。 I have heard people describe the moment, when setting sail in aship, when one finally loses sight of the land. describe 書き留める 描写する 記述する 面白い文章です。when が二つありますが、違う使い方のような気がします。まずは…

1-11です。 But then eventually the surroundings grew unrecognizable and I knew I had gone beyond all previous boundaries. eventually 結局は ついに ゆくゆくは やがて surrounding 環境 周囲(の状況) 近郊 田園地域 grow grew grown 成長する…

1-10です。 For as I say, as I motored on in the sunshine towards the Berkshire border, I continued to be surprised by the familiality of the country around me. 分解してみます。 ① For as I say, ② as I motored on in the sunshine towards …

1-9です。 Now I had always supposed I had travelled very little, restricted as I am by my responsibilities in the house, but of course, over time, one does make various excursions for one professional reason or another, and it would see…

1-8です。 This was due, no doubt, to the fact that though I motered further and further from the house, I continued to find myself in surrounings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance. ちょっと長めの文です。分解してみます。 ①…

1-7です。 For the first twenty minutes or so of mortering, I cannot say I was seized by any excitement or anticipation at all. 教科書に例文として出てくるような整った文章で助かります。それでも見通しをよくするために分解はしてみます。 ① Fo…

1-6です。 It is hard to explain my feeling once I did finally set off. この文は短く、全部が見えています。分解はさすがに必要なさそうです。 It は、形式主語です。真主語は to explain my feeling となります。 「気持ちを説明するのは難しい」、…

1-5です。 It was an odd feeling and perhaps accounts for why I delayed my departure so long, wandering around the house many times over, checking one last time that all was in order. この文は前の文より複雑なことはないようですが、分解し…

1-4です。 What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week, I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that once I departed, Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century =perhaps for the first ti…

1-3番です。 This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than I had planned, despite my having completed my packing and loaded the Ford with all the necessary items well before eight o'clock. 特に複雑な文ではなさそうですが、…

1-2です。 The first day of my trip is now completed, and all in all, I must say I am quite satisfied. 1日の終わりはいつなのかと考えますが、旅行の場合は宿に着いたときかもしれません。 この文は分解の必要はなさそうです。が、やっておきまし…

1-1番です。 DAY ONE - EVENING: Salisbury Tonight, I find myself here in a guest house in the city of Salisbury. 「ソールズベリーにて 一日目 夜」 これは、この章全体のタイトルですね。 一行目には含まれないものでしょうが、まあ入れておきまし…

232番です。 But all in all, I can see no genuine reason why I should not undertake this trip. プロローグ最後の文です。 But all in all で始まっているのがスチーブンスらしい言い回しに思えます。辞書には、 ①「結論として」「大体」「概して」「…

231番です。 Various other questions concerning arrangements here in the house during my absence will need to be settled. 文の構造が分かるように分解してみます。 ① Various other questions ② concerning arrangements here in the house ③ duri…

230番です。 I would also need to see to the matter of the costumes. さすがにこれは分解しなくてもよさそうです。が、文の構造が分かるので分解も悪くありません。 ① I would also need to see ② to the matter ③ of the costumes. would は、意志未…

229番です。 I would of course have to write to Miss Kenton to tell her I might be passing by. of course が挿入されているというか、これがこの言葉の自然な使い方ですね。なければ、I would have to write となるわけです。 would も might も仮定…

228番です。 So then, there seems little reason why I should not undertake my motoring trip to the West Country. いよいよ大詰めですね。 それでは分解してみます。 ① So then, there seems little reason there seems (= there is) ② why I should…

227番です。 As I had anticipated, he gave his kind permission after not too great a delay, and furthermore, Mr Farraday was good enough to remember and reiterate his generous offer to 'foot the bill for the gas.' 長い文と言えるのでしょ…

226番です。 I responded as usual by smiling slightly - sufficient at least to indicate that I was participating in some way with the goog-humouredness with which he was carrying on - and waited to see if my employer's permission regardi…

225番です。 I was obliged, as I was saying, to spend some uncomfortable minutes standing in the drawing room yesterday afternoon while Mr Farraday went about his bantering. さて、分解をしてみます。 ① I was obliged, 主節SV ② as I was say…

224番です。 However, let me return to my original thread. 今回は、複雑な文ではないですね。 ここまでスチーブンスは、読者に感傷も交えていろいろなことを話してきました。その結果、あまりに話題が広がって、どこが始まりだったかが分からなくなっ…

223番です。 I must say, I was rather disappointed, for I would like to have discussed the bantering question with him. 面白い文章だと思います。というのは、特にコンマで区切らなくて、べたっとつなげて書いても問題はないと思うからです。もち…

222番です。 As it was, however, no suitable opportunity arose for me to gain such information. スチーブンスの口癖から始まっていますね。 As it was も、however も特に深い意味はないと思っていいと考えます。 スチーブンスにしては、いきなり用…