
119番です。 There was always the possibility, of course, that his suggestion of a fortnight ago may have been a whim of the moment, and he would no longer be approving of the idea. whim 気まぐれな思い付き 出来心 むら気 巻き上げ機 approv…

118番です。 It seemed in the end there was little else to do but actually to raise the matter again with Mr Farraday. そんなに長い文ではありませんが、it から始まる主節と、there の節との関係、さらにその中の二つの不定詞 to do と to raise …

117番です。 I studied all over again those marvellous descriptions and illustrations, and you can perhaps understand my growing excitement at the notion that I might now actually undertake a motoring trip myself around that same part of…

116番です。 I had not looked through those volumes for many years, until these recent developments led me to get down from the shelf the Devon and Cornwell volume once more. look through 目を通す 詳しく調べる 見抜く development 発達 発…

115番です。 But this was, as I say, back in the thirties, when as I understand, Mrs Symons's books were being admired in houses up and down the country. 前の文114番で、スチーブンスが妙な言い方をしてしまったと慌てて弁解を添える一行で…

114番です。 It was thus that I had been able to gain some sense of the sort of place Miss Kenton had gone to live her married life. スチブンスのこういう言い回しにはだいぶ慣れましたが、分解してみます。 1 It was thus that 2 I had been abl…

113番です。 Indeed, I recall that shortly after Miss Kenton's departure to Cornwell in 1936, myself never having been to that part of the country, I would often glance through Volume III of Mrs Symon's work, the volume which describes t…

112番です。 It was in those days, then, prompted by my natural admiration for the lady, that I had first taken to perusing her volumes on the library whenever I had an odd moment. ちょっといり組んでいるようです。分解してみます。 1 It wa…

111番です。 indeed, she was among the most popular as far as the staff were concerned due to the kind appreciation she never shied from showing. among の中に の中で目立って as far as まで と同じ距離まで 及ぶ限りでは concern に関すること…

110番です。 Mrs Symons was, as a matter of fact, a frequent vistor to this house before the war; (as a) matter of fact 当然のこととして 実際は 実は (as a を省くのは略式らしい) セミコロンで区切ってあります。内容は次の文に続くのですが、…

109番です。 They were written during the thirties, but much of it would still be up to date - after all, I do not imagine German bombs have altered our countryside so significantly. 前の文で是非とも読んでくださいとスチーブンスが言いまし…

108番です。 If you are not familiar with Mrs Symons's books - a series running to seven volumes, each one concentrating on one region of the British Isles - I heartily recommend them. concentrate 集まる 集中する 凝縮する recommend 推奨…

107番です。 During this time, I also spent many minutes examining the road atlas, and perusing also the relevant volumes of Mrs Jane Symons's The Wonder of England. peruse を丹念に読み通す 精読する よく調べる relevant 関連がある 適切な …

106番です。 it is just that one never knows when one might be obliged to give out that one is from Darlington Hall, and it is important that one be attired at such times in a manner worthy of one's position. just 公正な もっともな 当然…

105番です。 I hope you do not think me unduly vain with regard to this latter matter; unduly 過度に 不当に 不正に vain 無駄な 自惚れが強い 虚栄心が強い むだ うぬぼれ 虚栄 with regard to に関しては について latter 後者の 後の セミコロン…

104番です。 I calculated finally that my savings would be able to meet all the costs I might incur, and in addition, might stretch to the purchase of a new costume. calculate 計算する 算出する 推測する incur を負う こうむる 受ける まね…

103番です。 What I do not possess, however, is any suitable travelling clothes - that is to say, clothes in which I might be seen driving the car - unless I were to don the suit passed on by the young Lord Charmers during the war, which…

102番です。 But then there is one lounge suit, passed on to me in 1931 or 1932 by Sir Edward Blair - practically brand new at the the time and almost a perfect fit - which might well be appropriate for evenings in the lounge or dining r…

101番です。 Many of these suits are, perhaps, too formal for the purpose of the proposed trip, or else rather old-fashioned these days. 等位接続詞 or で、補語が二つ結ばれています。分解してみます。 Many of these suits are , perhaps, too …

100番にきました。 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits, kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself, and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard…

99番です。 Then there was the question of what sorts of costume were appropriate on such a journey, and whether or not it was worth my while to invest in a new set of clothes. costume 服装 衣装 扮装 appropriate 適切な ふさわしい invest …

98番です。 For even taking into account my employer's generous offer to 'foot the bill for the gas', the costs of such a trip might still come to a surprising amount considering such matters as accommodation, meals, and any small snacks …

97番です。 There was, for instance, the qustion of cost. 今回はこれだけです。分解しようがないです。 for instance は、「例えば」です。 There was ですが、前の文では同じ形でしたが、同じ形主語が複数でした。 こんどは、主語が単数です。それで、…

96番です。 There were, in any case, various aspects to the matter I felt I needed to clarify to myself before proceeding further. in any case が挿入されていますが、あとはコンマで区切られているということもなく、ひとつながりの文ということ…

95番です。 For all that, I could not for some days quite bring myself to raise the matter again with Mr Farraday. 今回は分解しなくてもよさそうです。 For all that, は、「そのすべてのために」ですが、「なんやかんやで」という言い方があります…

94番です。 I have, I should make clear, reread Miss Kenton's recent letter several times, and there is no possibility I am merely imagining the presence of these hints on her part. presence 存在 態度 面前 やはり分解します。 1 I have 2 , …

93番です。 that is to say, I could drive to the West Country and call on Miss Kenton in passing, thus exploring at first hand the substance of her wish to return to employment here at Darlington Hall. やはり分解します。 1 that is to say,…

5 ジュリアス・シーザー 5

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 5 FLAVIUSBut wherefore art notin thy shop today?Why dost thou these menabout the street?SECOND CITIZENTruly, sir, to wear out their shoesto get myself into more work.But indeed, sir, we make holiday to see Caesar and t…

4 ジュリアス・シーザー 4

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 4 FLAVIUSThou art a cobbler, art thou?SECOND CITIZENTruly, sir, all that I live by with awl;I meddle with no tradesman's matters,nor, women's matters, but with awl.I am indeed, sir, a surgeon to old shoes;when they are…

3 ジュリアス・シーザー 3

1幕 1場 ローマ市街 3 MARULLUSWhat trade, thou knave?Thou naughty knave, what trade?SECOND CITIZENNay, I beseech you, sir,be not out with me; yet,if you be out, sir, I can mend you.MARULLUSWhat mean'st thou by that?Mend me, thou saucy fe…